lords of tyre artinya
- tyre: ban; tyre; ban luar; ban-angin; tirus; sur
- house of lords: dewan pertuanan united kingdom; dewan bangsawan britania raya
- lord of lords: yesus kristus; yesus; kristus; juru selamat
- lords by nation: raja menurut negara
- lords of bouillon: raja bouillon
- lords of germany: lord jerman
- lords of montpellier: lord montpellier
- lords of toron: lord toron
- lords of werle: lord werle
- archeparchy of tyre: eparki tirus
- back-tyre: ban belakang
- belus (tyre): belus ii
- cycle tyre: ban sepeda
- dorotheus of tyre: dorotheus
- kings of tyre: raja tirus